M/s Delta Paper Mills Limited has recently commissioned a new Captive Power Plant to meet its power requirement as well as the Steam requirement for the process. The Power Plant is a full-fledged modern unit having flexibility to use multiple fuels like High grade (Imported) or Low grade (Indigenous) Coals and / orRise Husk and / or Natural Gas.

The novel feature of the boiler installed is that it is having the facility of using the bagasse pith available from the depithing plant of the paper unit continuously as it is generated, thus, not only reducing the fuel cost but also practically eliminating the handling and nvolved dust nuisance of the pith. The boiler is equipped with a three-field Electrostatic Precipitator to minimize the suspended particular matter through the chimney. The Plant is also having modern Ash Handling System and thus the entire plant is made free from the manual ash handling as well as its connected dust nuisance.

A chimney of  70 mtrs height is installed, much beyond the requirement as per the Environment norms, to ensure that the meager quantum of suspended particulate matter through the stack gasses is spread over wide area.



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