Delta Paper Mills Limited was established in 1975 and situated at Vendra Village, West Godavari Dist., Andhra Pradesh. The Company manufactures Writing and Printing Papers of different cultural varieties such as Creamwove, White Printing, Azurewove, Azurelaid, Duplicating etc. |
The Company uses unconventional Raw Materials like Paddy Straw and Bagasse. It went into commercial production in 1978 with an initial installed capacity of 9000 MTs per Annum. Subsequently in 1982, the Company envisaged expansion of the capacity to 18000 MT, successfully completed the same and started the commercial production during 1988.
The main objective of this Establishment was to use Agro residues and cater to the needs of the farmers. It is the first Company to utilize Natural Gas supplied by Oil & Natural Gas Corporation in entire South India.
To keep the environmental balances, the Company has taken up plantation of trees in and around the Mill Premises. It has got full-fledged Effluent Treatment Plant.
The Company is providing employment for about 2000 persons directly and indirectly mostly to rural youth.
The Company has developed superior quality of paper called “Super Delux Creamwove” and penetrated into the market with good results. It has a strong marketing network. The majority of Sales comprises to the Government Department viz., Government Text Book Corporation of Andhra Pradesh, Maharastra, Madhya Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Kerala, and other Central/State Government Agencies through DGS&D Rate Contract. The Company enjoys patronage of private market distributors and also having a brand name and image. It’s “Delta Hasti Duplicating Paper and Note Books” are very popular.
In the year 1988, Sri Gokaraju Ganga Raju, Promoter. Head of Laila Group, Managing partner of M/s. Chemiloids, Herbal Pharma Extract Unit and an Eminent Industrialist in Andhra Pradesh has taken over the Management of the Company and turned the corner and achieved its capacity utilization to an extent pf 144% . The Management has installed one more Paper Machine and commissioned the same during December 2004. With this, the Company’s production level is increased to 42,000 MT per Annum of Writing & Printing papers.
For Further development of the quality of paper, full utilization of capacity and for pollution abatement, the Company has embarked Mill Development Programme under which the Pulp Mill is upgraded for pulping Bagassee by installing Continuous Digester System. This has to be done since for abating pollution. Straw pulp can not be used as the waste liquor form paddy straw pulping can not recover the chemical, as well as the fuel value and hence the Company has switched over to Bagasse pulping. This has increased the requirement of Bagasse substantially with a simultaneous drastic reduction in paddy straw usage. Though all effort that are required for procuring Bagasse from other Sugar Mills are made its availability has become difficult in view of fact that most of the Sugar Mills are using their Bagasse for their Captive Power Generation. The Management had the foresight and vision and anticipation such a situation, have procured Sugar Mills, when the AP Govt. started disinvesting in Co-Operative Sugar Mills. Delta Sugars Ltd is one such Mill. The Management has also installed coal fired boiler in Delta Sugars Limited. Hanuman Junction so that Bagasse can be released for use as raw material for the Paper Mills. Thus, the Company is procuring almost 40-50% of its bagasse requirement from its sister concern, M/s Delta Sugars Limited, Hanuman Junction, besides the procurement of Bagasse from other Sugar Mills in and around West Godavari District.
The Company has also installed a 9.9MW Power Plant. In Entire South India out of Agro-Based Paper Mills, the Company is the only Mill installed Chemical Recovery Plant for abating the pollution.
With all these developments, the Company is now producing at the rate of 73,000 MT per annum of Quality Writing and Printing Papers.