- Manufacture of cultural varieties of paper by using virgin pulps of Agricultural residues.
- Modern and proven technological use of Natural Gas, Agro based residues viz., pith from bagasse, rice husk etc. for efficient use as fuels.
- Fulfilled pollution abatement plans both for Water as well as Air meeting the stringent standards of APPCB.
- Unblemished record of supply of huge quantities of paper to the various Govt. Depts. including DGS & D and to its customers all over the country without failure and well within the committed period.
- Consistency in the quality of the product irrespective of the market conditions etc.
- Being an organization promoted by the local people and run mostly by the local available talents, the industrial relations of the Mills are excellent and cordial.
- This is only the Mills in the country which has been in operation without any stoppage whatsoever except for Natural Calamity of Floods during 1986.
- It may be of interest to know that there has been no Mill of this type in the country, which has not changed its name.